📝 Technical data
From person to person
- "Someone you don’t know personally"
- A previous contact with whom you want to connect through a social network.
- Eliminate the insecurity and uncertainty caused by a contact request for someone unknown.
- Promote an environment of closeness and affiliation.
- Provide relevant and valuable information that proves why it is valuable for your recipient to accept your request.
Follow these four steps
and you can do it too
Record a MoonBack
Press play and discover the content of each of the sections that we recommend you to include in your MoonBack.
Message and Smart Actions
Example 1
Barack, this is why this contact request is not just another more...
Example 2
Barack, after meeting Juan Verder I was hyped... let's get in touch!
Include the name of your recipient and other personal references.
Show that it is something you have prepared exclusively for that person.
Don't tell in your message what you already explain in your MoonBack.
Add some interest and the chances that your MoonBack will be reproduced will increase.
Only one link and be careful.
Watch out for including links in your contact request, only do it if it’s strictly necessary. You could generate a wrong perception.
Launch MoonBack
The King LinkedIn
Professional contacts, professional networks. Note that this does not mean that you cannot use MoonBack for other types of contacts. In any case avoid email.
Peaks and valleys
Launch your MoonBack when you think your recipient may be in a low activity period
All under control
Push notifications, e-mail and activity log
Forget about reloading or actively tracking. You will be instantly notified whenever your recipient interacts with your MoonBack.
ADVISEAnd if there's no access...
Re-launch your MoonBack through a different channel. If you use email it is possible that it may have gone unnoticed.
¡ WoW !
Increase your chances of adding a valuable contact to your network
Mark a difference from the start while also creating a memorable experience.
"Zero interruptions or endless exchange of messages and calls."
Showing the time, effort, and value you put into getting that contact.
Key features
used for this example
Adaptive recording
No apps
Smart Actions
Smart Snippets
Reply without registration
Activity log
Push notifications
Email notifications
Skyrocket your
engagament now!
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